Home Planet: Alpha Gamma Per Minoris IV a
(x: -94904928, y: -42827620)
While developing a farm on the arid moon Alpha Gamma Per Minoris IV a, I discovered two things. First, I make for a poor farmer. Second, these creatures are quite obnoxious.
Although no larger than the crows which once called Earth home (incidentally, there was another bird I found on this planet which looked almost exactly like a crow) these birds are as ferocious as a bird of prey, and as deadly as a dragon. They made sweeping passes over my farmland, attempting to burn me alive with their fiery breath.
When I fought back I discovered a second ability - while they use the fire breath against most prey, when threatened they can concentrate their flames into bolts of dark plasma which are more accurate, have a longer range, and are quite explosive.
In the name of science I resisted the urge to exterminate these malicious creatures and instead observed them from a safe location. Like the crows I named them after they are carnivores, but unlike crows they prefer their meat cooked, and are more than happy to kill prey themselves rather than wait for it to die on its own.
The other animals of this planet are mostly birds and reptiles resembling monitor lizards, the largest of which can grow to over a meter in height at the shoulder. These animals will attack all of them with impunity. Even the avians have trouble with them, as I have witnessed those zealots shooting down any of these phoenix crows which get too close to their tower.
Worth noting, I briefly considered combining "phoenix" and "crow" together, but the name "phrow" seemed oddly racist.
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